Our curriculum follows guidance from Development Matters which states that practitioners should offer outdoor provision and play every day for at least 45 minutes, and that there should be various opportunities for children to move freely.

At Birkbees we have a fantastic outdoor area with a range of different surroundings where it’s possible for children to explore during outdoor play. Ofsted ensures that playgrounds are suitable for outdoor learning. This might include slopes, holes, puddles or sandpits, with a range of surfaces, such as grass, bark chippings, sand, or soil.

Access to outdoor spaces  allows children to develop their moving and handling skills in a range of different ways and encourages sports and active play to stimualte physical development.

Children have access to a wider range of movements that they can’t do indoors in a typical learning setting, like balancing, swinging, climbing, running or digging. Practitioners include obstacle courses, climbing frames, tunnels, and our natural woodland space to make dens in their planning. We provide a range of opportunities like this which helps children develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, coordination and agility. With all this in mind, please send your child to nursery with suitable clothing and footwear for outdoor play whatever the weather because we will be out there! 

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