Each year at First Class we hold a Graduation Ceremony for our Pre-school children that are leaving for school.
Running up to Graduation we ensure that all the children have a picture taken with a cap and gown, we add this picture to the children’s certificate and learning journal. These pictures are also professionally printed and available for parents to purchase. On Graduation day, nursery is all set up with a banner, red carpet, stage and a table with children’s certificates and books. 

Nursery management do a small speech to greet parents, thank them for their continuous support and go through some housekeeping rules for the ceremony. Following this, the key person of each child says a small speech about the child and their time at nursery before presenting them with the book, certificate and scroll. Parents are given opportunity to take pictures after the graduation speeches have been done.

Graduation day is a special time for children and their parents, as well as the nursery staff team who have watched children grow and learn. Thank you to everyone who attended our graduation and made it special. 

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