Throughout nursery, as part of our curriculum we promote good oral health.

In the baby and bumblebee/Sunflower rooms, we have had a fascination table with teeth and toothbrushes for children to learn about brushing their teeth. Staff have also read stories to children about brushing their teeth.

In the Pre school room, children have been reading books about brushing their teeth and we have done circle time discussing why it is important to keep our teeth clean. Children are aware that we need to brush our teeth for two minutes each morning and evening and also take regular visits to the dentist.

    Following on from this topic, children in pre school have done activities about ‘good’ food and ‘bad’ food. We have placed foods into different sections and discussed why these foods are healthy, or unhealthy for us. We also had a discussion about the effects that some foods have on our teeth, for example fruit has lots of sugar, so although it’s healthy, it can cause our teeth to go bad if we eat lots of it. 

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