Throughout nursery, as part of our curriculum we promote good oral health and hygiene.In the Baby room, we have had a fascination table with teeth and toothbrushes for children to learn about brushing their teeth by exploring these. Babies also enjoyed washing the dolls and carrying out healthy eating activities.In the Tweenie room, the children discussed all about healthy eating and
hygiene. We carried out several activities including how to wipe our own noses, washing and cleaning our hands, discussing how to keep ourselves clean by practising on dolls and props. We also had our very own Tweenie spa for the week where the children enjoyed learning self care. The children currently have toothbrushes in our home corner with teeth display whichthey enjoy taking turns to brush. The children also enjoyed ‘Alan’s big, scary teeth’ story during group time.In the Preschool room, children have been reading books about brushing their teeth. Children are aware that we need to brush our teeth for two minutes each morning and evening and also take regular visits to the dentist. Preschool also played a brushing teeth game. This included rolling a dice and wiping away a numbered plaque.

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