Group time blog 2021

Throughout nursery we do lots of group time and circle time. It is an important part of the daily routine as it gives opportunities for children to learn together as a group and also strengthens social skills through quality interactions with adults and their peers. 

Group time is introduced from baby room and is done in this room through singing time and children listening to adults read stories. This encourages listening skills and fundamental social skills from a young age. 

When children move through to the bumblebee room, they do group time twice daily, where they also engage in singing time. In this room children are encouraged to choose which songs they would like to sing, promoting decision making and giving children choices. Children also sing a hello song to greet each other and adults in the room, talk about the day of the week and sing the days of the week song. This helps children to become familiar with sitting for a short length of time and prepares them for when they move to the preschool room. Occasionally, children in the bumblebee room bring things in from home such as their favourite books to show and talk about with their friends. This helps to build confidence to interact with others in a group. 

When children move through to the pre school room, group time is also done twice daily. In the morning, children begin group time by singing the hello song and talking about the days of the week, following on from the bumblebee room to give children continuity from room to room.

Children are introduced to a shape and number each week in preschool to encourage number and shape recognition in preparation for school. Activities surrounding the number and shape of the week are done at group times to deepen understanding. Children are also regularly reminded of the rules in preschool during group times and they are able to confidently discuss room rules and boundaries. Children also talk about using good manners within the setting and are able to give examples of what good manners are and how manners are used.

In the afternoon, group time in preschool is focussed around name recognition to give children the opportunity to apply phonics knowledge and become familiar with the letters and sounds in their names to prepare them for school. 

Circle time activities are also used in preschool, where children sit as a group and discuss different topics such as their feelings, interests and what they like to do outside of nursery. This encourages children to be confident to speak in front of others, express their own feelings and also promotes personal, social and emotional development. 

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