This terms topic has been ‘All about me’. Throughout the term we have planned and done various activities looking at ourselves and others.

The children have met many different learning outcomes related to this topic such as:

  • Imitates everyday actions and events from family and relatives.
  • Helps with clothing to undress and dress and looking at traditional clothing for all different cultures.
  • Expresses own preferences and interests.
  • Make-believe by pretending.
  • Learning they have similarities and differences to each other.
  • Different body parts. 

We have been learning these outcomes by looking at activities using dolls to include bathing, feeding, changing and talking about toilet training or wearing nappies. We have received lots of feedback from parents on how the children have been talking about and showing the things they have learnt during these activities.

Some of our other activities that we have been creating is self-portraits using different medias such as chalks, crayons and playdough to talk about and creative images to represent our features and how we are all different. The children have used various different props from around the room to represent our homes and the people we live with.   

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